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mndot concrete aggregate properties

  • Optimizing Aggregate Foundation to Improve Concrete …

    relate to one another can help MnDOT to optimize aggre-gate properties and improve pavement performance. MnDOT's current design standards are based on MnDOT Pavement Design Manual Section 540 – PCC Thickness Design Using MnPAVE-Rigid, which is a portland cement concrete pavement design program that uses transverse

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  • Cost-Effective Base Type and Thickness For Long-Life Concrete …

    The primary objective of this report is to quantify the aggregate base properties required for concrete pavement foundations in accordance with currently established layer thickness requirements. ... based on an the mechanical and hydraulic properties of typical base materials collected from previous MnDOT studies and relevant literature ...

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  • Carbonate Aggregate in Concrete | MnDOT Digital Library

    The current Minnesota Department of Transportation specification for coarse aggregate to be used in concrete pavements is based on either a maximum absorption of 1.75% (for …

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  • Unsold Property Inventory

    Unsold property inventory Over the counter sales. Periodically, MnDOT may possess properties that are made available for immediate sale. Properties currently available. Sale 139569 (PDF) - 17,962 Square Feet of Vacant Land located in the NW quadrant of TH 55 and Westview Drive, Hastings, Dakota County, MN.

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  • Coarse Aggregate Alkali Silica Reactivity (ASR)

    MnDOT Specification for Concrete Pavement and Concrete Bridge Decks require mitigation of reactive coarse aggregate identified as quartzite or gneiss. Requirements MnDOT requires mitigation based upon the alkali silica reactivity (ASR) ASTM C1293 expansion test results for each individual coarse aggregate source.

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  • Determining Pavement Design Criteria for Recycled Aggregate …

    Overall, this project found that finer recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) material would be preferable to coarser RCA material and a blend of RCA and recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) materials would be preferable to natural aggregate for aggregate base layers.

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  • Curing Compounds

    MnDOT approved/qualified curing compounds for colored concrete. Skip to Content. 511 Travel Info. General Contacts; ... MnDOT requires an additional application of curing/sealing compound a minimum of 30 days after placement of the colored concrete. MnDOT Spec 3753 Type 1-D Membrane Curing Compound . Product Name Manufacturer Expiration …

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  • Ready Mix plant monitor producer

    If using a new source for either the coarse or fine aggregate, the new source testing requirements link can be found on the same webpage as the Concrete Agg Properties; Submit Project Specific and/or General Mix Designs to the MnDOT Concrete Office a minimum of 21 days prior to the placement of the concrete

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  • Concrete Mix Designs

    mass concrete; self consolidating concrete (SCC) specialty concrete using a JMF; CONC-206 Project specific structural concrete mix design submittal - JMF - non-MnDOT specified (Excel) (revised 6/12/24) non-MnDOT specified mix designs; CONC-207 Project specific structural concrete mix design submittal - internal curing (Excel) internal …

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  • Aggregate in Concrete

    Quality Counts. Make sure that your concrete producer purchases good-quality aggregate as verified by regular aggregate test results in compliance with ASTM C 33, "Standard Specifications for Concrete Aggregates." A history of good performance of a local aggregate also provides an indication of how well the material performs in service.

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  • Effect of Low and Moderate Recycled Concrete Aggregate …

    This research investigated the effects of incorporating recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) at low replacement levels on the properties of concrete. Four different RCA sources were used, each with different aggregate properties. For each source, replacement levels of 5, 10, and 15% were tested and compared to a control group, which had no RCA.

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  • Sustainable Concrete Mix Selections

    Hardened properties of concrete must provide for a pavement that will perform structurally and have the durability to provide long-term performance. ... combination of aggregate sources will be selected for all mixtures and that aggregate shall be a source pre-approved by MnDOT for use in concrete pavement construction. The …

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    5-694.210 Properties of Concrete .211 Workability .212 Durability .213 Strength .214 High-Early Strength .215 Volume Change .216 Air Entrainment .217 Density ... .720 Concrete Aggregate Worksheet (Form 21763) .721 Weekly Concrete Aggregate Report (Form 2449) .722 Quality Control Charts

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  • Cost-Effective Base Type and Thickness for Long-Life …

    The primary objective of this report is to quantify the aggregate base properties required for concrete pavement foundations in accordance with currently established layer thickness requirements. The effects of properties of different base layers on concrete pavement performance were evaluated, based on an the mechanical and hydraulic

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  • Concrete Plant Tester Certification (CPTC)

    Concrete Plant Tester Certification (CPTC) Prerequisites for certification. You must be certified in Aggregate Production Tester (APTC) before this certification will be awarded to you. ... If your certification has recently expired and you have relevant work experience, you may apply to regain MnDOT certification through a Recently Expired ...

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  • Establishing Fresh Properties of Fiber Reinforced …

    aggregate types, and air contents of the concrete. Various fresh and hardened concrete tests were conducted on each of the mixes, and the results were used to determine the influence of the structural fibers on the fresh and hardened concrete properties. The study recommended the allowable range of the SAM number and provided

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  • Aggregate Production Tester Certification (APTC)

    Aggregate Production Tester Certification Training Manual (PDF) Reference books/manuals to bring (hard copy or electronic) ... metric numbers, engineering type formulas, and basic algebra. Take this refresher if needed. MnDOT employees, see your Training Representative for access. Others, see current price with discount for AASHTO …

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  • Grading and Base Forms

    The Minnesota Department of Transportation provides its home page with links to its regional offices, bid letting, construction, future highway plans, hot topics, jobs, library, licensing information, map sales, news, public meetings, research, road & travel information, and related links.

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  • Aggregate Gradations for Concrete Pavement Mixtures

    Mechanical Properties Since aggregates make up a large volume of the concrete, the type of aggregate has a major impact on the mechanical properties of the concrete [3, 8, 9]. Aggregates largely control the stiffness and creep of a concrete mixture. However, these properties are more dependent on the aggregate type and volume

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  • Bituminous and concrete plant inspection request

    Search MnDOT.gov; Contact MnDOT; 511 Traveler Service; News Releases; Careers/Jobs; Doing Business; ADA and Accessibility; Disclaimer and Legal; About MnDOT; State of Minnesota; Governor's Site; Employee Resources; 2024 Minnesota Department of Transportation 395 John Ireland Blvd, St. Paul, MN 55155-1800 651-296 …

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    3138 AGGREGATE FOR SURFACE AND BASE COURSES 3138.1 SCOPE This specification lists the quality requirements for aggregates used for 2118, 2211, and 2221. ... (CG) = Concrete and Glass, (BCG) = Bituminous, Concrete, and Glass £ Recycled concrete is only allowed for shoulders

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  • Search

    Comments within the Contractor's Concrete Aggregate Workbook. ... and low slump concrete overlays Pavement Precast concrete Aggregates Concrete …

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  • Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation

    New - Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation (CPR) Guide. The CPR Guide is a web-based interactive resource detailing the MnDOT processes and materials utilized to repair portland cement concrete pavements. The CPR Guide's target audience is Inspectors, Contractors, Materials Engineers, Maintenance Engineers, Consultants and Designers who are ...

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  • Concrete Manual

    .003 Mn/DOT Concrete Specifications .004 Metric Equivalents .005 Reinforcing Bars and Hook Details .010 Inspector's Checklists .011 Checklist for Ready-Mix Concrete Plant …

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  • Concrete Pavement

    The Minnesota Department of Transportation provides its home page with links to its regional offices, bid letting, construction, future highway plans, hot topics, jobs, library, licensing information, map sales, news, public meetings, research, road & travel information, and related links.

    WhatsApp: +86 18221755073
  • Resources

    For concrete: This is a test run on new sources or new production of concrete aggregates (+4.75mm (#4) sieve) to determine the average weight of 1 cubic meter of aggregate. For bituminous: This is a test run on Stone Matrix Asphalt Mixtures (SMA) to determine the voids in coarse aggregate.

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  • Pavement Design Criteria for Recycled Bases – NRRA Geotech

    The proposed project has three main goals. The first goal of the project is to determine the field and laboratory performance of materials and test sections built with recycled aggregate bases (RAB) including recycled concrete aggregate (RCA), recycled asphalt pavement (RAP), and mixtures of these materials with VA.

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  • Certified Ready-Mix

    Search MnDOT.gov; Contact MnDOT; 511 Traveler Service; News Releases; Careers/Jobs; Doing Business; ADA and Accessibility; Disclaimer and Legal; About MnDOT; State of Minnesota; Governor's Site; Employee Resources; 2024 Minnesota Department of Transportation 395 John Ireland Blvd, St. Paul, MN 55155-1800 651-296 …

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  • Bridge Details Manual Part II

    MnDOT Bridge Details Manual Part II. Skip to Content. 511 Travel Info. General Contacts; MnDOT A to Z; ... Wire Fence (Design W-1) and Concrete Parapet (Type P-1) 7.119 (PDF) 7.119 (DGN) Jan. 5, 2017: ... Riprap and Stabilized Aggregate Slope Paving Under Bridges. Standard figure PDF DGN Approval date Revision date

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  • Performance Specification for Geogrid Reinforced Aggregate Base | MnDOT

    A performance specification has been developed for geogrid reinforced aggregate base; which utilizes the dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) and light weight deflectometer (LWD) to test the aggregate base reinforced with geogrid. ... MnDOT Library Minnesota Department of Transportation M.S. 155, Room 175 Transportation Building 395 John …

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