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the 1922 gold miners strike on the rand

  • A Labour War in South Africa: the 1922 Rand Revolution …

    all attempts at conciliation failed, a strike began on 2 January 1922, in the mining region close to Johannesburg known as the Witwatersrand, or "the Rand". 9 By 9 January, all white miners ...

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  • Miners' Strike remebered

    The strike began on 1 January 1922, when coal miners refused to take a wage cut that was suggested as a way to help the coal industry, which was suffering. By 10 January, 22 000 gold mineworkers had joined the coal miners. Even though the government tried to get the mine owners and mineworkers to sit in a conference, no agreement was reached.

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  • SAHA

    The Rand Revolt of 1922 took place three years after the formation of the I.C.U, when white mine workers went on strike. These workers resisted retrenchment. The strike was …

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  • (PDF) A "Labour War" in South Africa: the 1922 Rand …

    This article discusses an episode in South African history remembered as the 1922 "Rand Revolution". The strike, involving 25,000 white miners opposed to the …

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  • The 1913 Mineworkers' Strike | South African History Online

    Introduction: Background to the Strike. The formation of the Union of South Africa in 1910 was a development that had vastly different consequences for the various groups in the four former colonies. The union was a victory for the British – especially for the 'uitlanders' (foreigners) and mining magnates – who wanted to unite the country; but it was a defeat …

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  • The African Mine workers strike of 1946

    Despite the confusion wrought by the lack of leadership, some miners joined the strike on Tuesday. At Simmer and Jack in the East Rand, many of the miners joined the strike. The 800 miners who escaped from the compound at Sub Nigel on Monday were joined by about 1,200 more miners.

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  • South African miners strike for higher wages, 1946

    On 4 August 1946 more than one thousand gold miners assembled in the Newtown Market Square because there was no hall available to black Africans to hold such a large-scale meeting. ... The mass media reported on the decision of the AMWU to strike; the Rand Daily Mail portrayed the strike as a "complete failure" even before it had begun ...

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  • The Rand Revolt breaks out | South African History …

    The Rand Revolt breaks out. The end of World War I was followed by a global depression that affected South Africa as well. Soon after the war, in 1918 and 1919, Black workers across economic sectors …

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  • Rand Rebellion 1922

    The Rand Rebellion of 1922 was an armed uprising that is also referred to as the Rand Revolt or Red Revolt. It occurred during a period of economic depression following World War I, when mining companies were faced with rising costs and a fall in the price of gold…. Build-up to the rebellion

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  • The Rand Revolt -1922 – TimeTraveller Adventures

    They instead held ballot; the results indicated that most miners were in favour of a strike. 22,000 gold miners downed tools on 9 January 1922. ... They tried to make the Rand ungovernable. Early in March 1922 the mines in Brakpan, Boksburg and Benoni were under siege by the striking force- any attempt by the mine owners to continue operations ...

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  • (PDF) A "Labour War" in South Africa: the 1922 Rand …

    This article discusses an episode in South African history remembered as the 1922 "Rand Revolution". The strike, involving 25,000 white miners opposed to the removal of the "colour bar ...

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  • The Rand Revolt strikers' stronghold at Fordsburg Square …

    A general strike was organized by white trade unions in Johannesburg, South Africa, in 1922. This was in response to intensified exploitation of the miners and a decision by gold-mining industry leaders to replace many white workers with black workers. The strike began in January 1922 and became an open rebellion against the …

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  • OPINION | Peter Volmink: The ghosts of the 1922 miners' strike …

    The 1922 white miners' strike (or "Rand Revolt") was the second failed insurrection in less than three decades ... It was the logic of racial capitalism, pure and simple. The price of gold had tanked, mines were struggling to survive, and unskilled white labour cost 15 times more than unskilled black labour. The only affordable way to bring low ...

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  • About 22 000 miners on Witwatersrand gold …

    About 22 000 miners on Witwatersrand gold mines go on strike in what became known as the Rand Rebellion. 9 January 1922. In January 1922 some 22 000 white miners downed their tools and went …

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  • The Underground Route to Mining: Afrikaners and the Witwatersrand Gold

    The Underground Route to Mining: Afrikaners and the Witwatersrand Gold Mining Industry from 1902 to the 1907 Miners' Strike* - Volume 36 Issue 3 22 August 2024: Due to technical disruption, we are experiencing some delays to publication.

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  • Echoes of the past: Marikana, cheap labour and the 1946 miners strike

    White miners had been organized for many years, but there was little solidarity between the two groups as evidenced by the 1922 Rand Rebellion led by the whites-only Mine Workers Union. White miners went on strike against management's attempt at weakening the colour bar in order to facilitate the entry of cheaper black …

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  • 1922 miners' strike ghosts are elusive

    The 1922 strike, also known as the Rand Revolt or the Rand Rebellion, had its origins in the latter part of 1921. It began when the price of gold nosedived. Wages were cut and white miners felt threatened when mines began planning to weaken the colour bar, which had prohibited black workers from certain jobs.

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  • Miners' Strike in South Africa Raises the Spirit of Resistance

    The strike, which began Sunday night, crossed an important threshold Thursday when the police, using rubber bullets and tear gas, evicted 300 miners at Anglo American Corporation's East Rand ...

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  • 1946 African Mineworkers Strike

    The brave miners of 1946 gave birth to the ANC Youth League's Programme of Action adopted in 1949; they were the forerunners of the freedom strikers of May 1, 1950, against the Suppression of Communism Act, and the tens of thousands who joined the 26 June nation-wide protest strike that followed the killing of sixteen people during the May Day ...

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  • Primary Sources about the Windber Miners' Strike for Union in 1922 …

    Haulage Men Lead the Windber Miners out on Strike. Joseph Zahurak, a spragger and 1922 strike activist who later served as president of UMWA Local 6186 from 1938 to 1977, offered the below description of how the Windber strike began. They [the miners] come out on the field in 1922. That's when they first get out there.

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  • 1922 Rand Rebellion

    1922 Rand Rebellion. In January 1922, during a period of severe economic depression, white coal and gold miners, foundry, and utilities workers downed tools to protest plans to reduce labour costs by employing …

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  • Account of events: Rand Rebellion 1922

    David Ivon Jones was the secretary of the ISL, who had been instrumental in forming the first black trade union - the Industrial Workers of Africa (IWA) - and had been behind some of the party's support for the African strikers in 1918, was in Moscow when the miners came out in January 1922 and he took up their cause.

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  • 15th Anniversary of 1922 Rand Strike

    The Communist Party of South Africa calls for a MASS DEMONSTRATION ON SUNDAY EVENING, MARCH 14, at 8p.m. on the City Hall Steps, Johannesburg, to commemorate the 15th ANNIVERSARY OF THE GREAT RAND STRIKE OF 1922. Every miner, every worker, every lover of freedom and liberty must be present at this …

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  • Locating the Victims of the 1922 Rand Revolt

    The first quarter of 2022 marked the centenary of the great White Miners' Strike on the Rand, also referred to as the Rand Revolt, or even the Red Revolt. ... A Shift Boss at the Van Ryn Estate Gold Mine, he served as a Special Constable during the Revolt and was shot and killed at his home by a mounted striker commando on 10 March 1922 ...

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  • Rand Rebellion 1922

    Known as the 1922 Miners' Strike, Rand Revolt or even Red Revolt, occurring merely five years after the Bolsheviks seized power in Russia, it remains the …

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  • Strike ends as Sibanye and gold miners reach settlement

    A three-month strike at Sibanye-Stillwater's gold operations was called off on Friday after union members agreed to the company's latest offer. Against a wage demand of R1 000 increase in each year of a three-year wage agreement, Sibanye workers have settled on an increase of R1 000 for the first year, a R900 increase in the second year …

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  • 1922 Rand Rebellion

    In January 1922, during a period of severe economic depression, white coal and gold miners, foundry, and utilities workers downed tools to protest plans to reduce labour costs by employing cheaper black labour. Negotiations between the strikers and the government broke down, and on 6 March, a general strike was called across the Witwatersrand ...

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  • Solving a 1922 miners' strike mystery hinges on a 'bulldog' …

    RAND REVOLT Solving a 1922 miners' strike mystery hinges on a 'bulldog' with a metal detector on Joburg's Grassy Knoll. ... Chariots of Fire and a South African orphan's boxing gold.

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  • Gold Mine tours

    Brixton and Braamfontein Cemeteries: Johannesburg's forefathers. Resting place of Johannesburg's early gold miners. Pauper graves and graves of the 1922 gold miners Rand Revolt. Amazing what a walk through the cemetery's can tell a visitor of Johannesburg's history. Ferreirasdorp: Oldest gold mining camp in Johannesburg.

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  • Transvaal Miners General Strike 1913

    mines on the East Rand wend on strike. On 2 July the East Rand Proprietary Mines and five Randfontein mines went on strike. By 4 July, more than 18,000 men and 63 mines struck. By 5 July all of the mines and power stations on the Witwatersrand gold fields (around 19,000 workers) were on strike. On 3 July, in an editorial, The Rand Daily Mail ...

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