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mills harm principle

  • The harm principle, personal identity and identity …

    Mill's harm principle would apply to a case like this. There is a potentially significant difference between acutely life-threatening harms and other harms. For example, one possibility is that James would not die even if …

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  • The harm principle

    Mill wrote what is known as the 'harm principle' as an expression of the idea that the right to self-determination is not unlimited. An action which results in doing harm to another is not only wrong, but wrong enough that the state can …

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  • John Stuart Mill s Harm Principle and Free Speech: …

    Melina Constantine Bell, John Stuart Mill's Harm Principle and Free Speech: Expanding the Notion of Harm, 33 Utilitas 162 (2021). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Faculty Scholarship at Washington and Lee University School of Law Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Scholarly Articles by an ...

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  • The Limits of Law

    Mill's original harm principle was based on a monistic utilitarianism. There remain adherents of such a utilitarianism, but more influential today is some version of …

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  • Problems with J.S. Mill's Harm Principle – Ask a Philosopher

    Any help with objections to the Harm Principle would be greatly appreciated to help me further understand the idea. Answer by Geoffrey Klempner. J.S. Mill's Harm Principle is an essential component in his case in On …

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  • Harm Principle

    The harm principle is often explained as "your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins.". In other words, people should be free to act as they wish as long as their actions do not cause harm to others. The …

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  • An Introduction to John Stuart Mill's

    Published in 1859, John Stuart Mill's On Liberty is one of the most celebrated defences of free speech ever written. In this elongated essay, Mill aims to defend what he refers to as "one very simple …

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  • The Harm Principle | Ethical Theory and Moral Practice

    According to the Harm Principle, roughly, the state may coerce a person only if it can thereby prevent harm to others. Clearly, this principle depends crucially on what we understand by 'harm'. Thus, if any sort of negative effect on a person may count as a harm, the Harm Principle will fail to sufficiently protect individual liberty. Therefore, a more …

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  • "John Stuart Mill's Harm Principle and Free Speech: …

    This article advocates employing John Stuart Mill's harm principle to set the boundary for unregulated free speech, and his Greatest Happiness Principle to regulate speech outside that boundary because it threatens unconsented-to harm. Supplementing the harm principle with an offense principle is unnecessary and undesirable if our …

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  • The Harm Principle

    Mill's passion for individuality drives the protection in the harm principle, and the restriction of morality to the enforceable. This calls for compensating widening of the conception of harm. The result is a radical reshaping of the principle of utility as governing the art of life as whole, and of the whole conception of utilitarianism and ...

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  • What is the Harm Principle? | NCERT Class 11 Political …

    The Harm Principle is a concept developed by British philosopher John Stuart Mill in his seminal work "On Liberty." The principle states that individuals should be free to act as they wish, as long as their actions do not harm others. This principle is often used in discussions about personal liberty and government intervention.. In NCERT …

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  • "Harm" and Mill's Harm Principle*

    This article addresses the long-standing problem of how to understand Mill's famous harm principle in light of his failure to specify what counts as "harm" in On Liberty. I argue that standard accounts restricting "harm" to only certain negative consequences fail to do justice to the text, and that this fact forces us to rethink Mill's defense of individual …

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  • Reformulating Mill's Harm Principle | Mind | Oxford Academic

    1 In this respect, my reformulation differs from that of Ripstein (2006), since Ripstein proposes his sovereignty principle as an alternative to Mill's harm principle, albeit an alternative suggested by one of Mill's passing remarks.My proposal is a refinement of the harm principle that, I believe, Mill could and should have accepted. …

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  • John Stuart Mill s Harm Principle and Free Speech: …

    John Stuart Mill's Harm Principle and Free Speech: Expanding the Notion of Harm Melina Constantine Bell Washington and Lee University Email: [email protected] Abstract This article advocates employing John Stuart Mill's harm principle to set the boundary for unregulated free speech, and his Greatest Happiness Principle to regulate speech outside

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  • Ethics Explainer: The Harm Principle

    The principle is a central tenet of the political philosophy known as liberalism and was first proposed by English philosopher John …

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  • What is the Harm Principle For? | Criminal Law and …

    The scope of Mill's Harm Principle, at least in its canonical formulation, differs from that of Simester and von Hirsch. Footnote 4 Mill's principle rules out criminalisation (1) to prevent immoral conduct; (2) to prevent offensive conduct; and (3) to prevent conduct on paternalist grounds, that is conduct which, although possibly harmful ...

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  • Mill's Moral and Political Philosophy

    So, Mill's "one very simple principle" — that liberty may be restricted always and only to prevent harm to another — is over-simple. So too is the related categorical approach to liberty that approves all applications of the harm principle and rejects all cases of paternalism, censorship, offense regulation, and legal moralism.

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  • The Harm Principle and the Nature of Harm

    3. Difficulties with finding a suitable conception of harm. According to a recent stream of criticism, no conception of harm is such that HP, when that conception is plugged into it, amounts to a plausible and useful principle (Holtug, Reference Holtug 2002; Jonas, Reference Jonas 2016; Petersen, Reference Petersen 2014).The critics consider …

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  • John Stuart Mill's Harm Principle and Free Speech: …

    This article advocates employing John Stuart Mill's harm principle to set the boundary for unregulated free speech, and his Greatest Happiness Principle to …

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  • Lecture 5 Notes: The Harm Principle

    5. Implications of the Harm Principle a. Freedom of all thought and conduct not harmful to others 6. Mill's utilitarian justification of the Harm Principle a. Even when they don't …

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  • The Harm Principle and the Nature of Harm

    But those inclined to accept the Harm Principle are likely to have explanatory intentions too. The debate about Mill's principle is vast. My objective is not to examine the criticism against HP in general. Rather, I focus on whether certain issues regarding the nature of harm pose any special problems for the plausibility of HP.

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  • Mills Harm Principle

    Mills Harm Principle. he harm principle, which seeks to express this crucial qualifier of traditional Hobbesian libertarianism, appears in John Stuart Mill's philosophical work, 'On Liberty', first published in 1859.

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  • John Stuart Mill's Concept of the Harm Principle

    The harm principle is a key idea in Mill's political philosophy that limits the interference of society with the individual to prevent harm to others. The article explains …

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  • J.S. Mill and the definition of 'harm'

    The question of harm and its definition typically arises in relation to J.S. Mill's Liberty Principle "The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others." (On Liberty, 1859) But what exactly constitutes 'harm'?

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  • The harm threshold and Mill's harm principle

    The HT and Mill's harm principle. My strategy is to select from the disparate sources cited in support of the HT a plausible, general moral principle that identifies conditions for justified state intervention in the free actions of individuals, and to determine which parental medical decisions will therefore warrant interference.

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  • The harm threshold and Mill's harm principle

    Taken together, Diekema constructs an extremely high bar for justified state intervention. Footnote 5 Only the most severe harms parents could visit upon their children surpass this threshold. Diekema arrives at this conclusion via Mill's Harm Principle, which establishes that harm to others is a necessary condition for justified interference.

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  • Beyond the Harm Principle

    prevention of harm. The harm principle has had many defenders since Mill's time, and I cannot examine all of their positions in full detail. For some of its defend-ers, the harm principle operates as a constraint on the legal prohibition of moral wrongs that have been identified independently of it. For

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  • Mill's Moral and Political Philosophy

    Mill's "one very simple principle"—that liberty may be restricted always and only to prevent harm to another—is over-simple. So too is the related categorical …

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  • Mill's Harm Principle | Definition & Examples

    Learn about John Stuart Mill's harm principle, which states that only actions that cause harm should be prevented. Find out how Mill's utilitarianism and …

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  • Harm Principle

    The harm principle is most closely associated with John Stuart Mill's (1806–73) defense of individual liberty in his famous essay On Liberty (1859), although he himself did not give it that name (see Harm; Mill, John Stuart). Mill wanted to set certain limits to "social control" over the conduct of individuals, and he proposed the harm …

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