3D Printer Enclosure: Not long after assembling my 3D Printer (the Schlabricator), my wife, Beehive, AKA She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed, banished my beloved, but slightlyodorous machine to the garage. The structure, originally built for Model-T era vehicles, is behin…
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Only basic tools are needed to make incredible cardboard products: FDM 3D Printer: Any 3D printer works as the molds are made with PLA plastic Blender: Used to pulp the cardboard. Similar tools may also work. Cloth: To remove excess water from the pulp. Clamps: To press the parts together and form the cardboard product. Scissors: to cut the cardboard into smaller pieces.
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073In this Instructables we will be showing you how to make your very own Hydraulic Arm! This project focuses on the principles of hydraulic movements. To do that we made a small scale demonstration of a Robotic Hydraulic Arm. We managed to do some pretty cool tasks with our ''Arm'', do check out the video down below for a better understanding! ...
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073DIY Bookshelves: "DIY Bookshelves" gives you the complete step-by-step instructions for 14 different awesome bookshelf projects. Build an invisible bookshelf, a skateboard bookshelf, a hidden bookshelf and much more! All projects come from Instructables, are wri…
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Your Instructable will be seen by a great many people. Its clarity and professionalism are a direct reflection on you as the author. Please use proper language when writing an Instructable; capitalize when necessary, use a spell checker such as the one available in Firefox 2.0, and be grammatically accurate.
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Arduino: If you are familiar with breadboard wiring, coding inputs & outputs, and soldering you're in the right place! If your head is spinning just hearing those terms, don't worry, we've still got you covered. Launch your Arduino journey today — gain …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Beetlejuice Sandworm: When we decided on a Tim Burton theme, the first thing I knew I wanted to build was a sandworm -- and it had to be HUGE. I considered something lightweight that could be broken down and stored (we have very little storage space) but everything I tho…
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Don't forget to follow me and check out my other Instructables. Follow the easy steps below, watch the video tutorial, or do both! :) Supplies. Ingredients: 1 cup of all-purpose flour (120g) 1/2 tsp of cinnamon (1g) 1/4 tsp of nutmeg (1g) 1/4 tsp of salt (1g) 3 large apples - Honey Crisp, Granny Smith, etc.
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073First your going to log into your account on instructables and click create (top of page) and from there you will open a empty instructable. now theirs three kinds of an instructable: Standard (with steps, pictures,and words), Video (just a video), And picture (just pictures recommended for instruction on legos, k'nex, and any building instructables.
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073My name is Jessy Ratfink and I've been writing instructables for the last 14 years. In that time, I've published over 500 instructables - I suppose you could say I know a thing or two about them.. Instructables was love at first sight for me - I've always loved learning about new things at my own pace and this is the perfect place to do that.
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073How To: Stained Glass: Stained glass is easier than it seems. Although it does require a special set of tools and equipment, once you have access to these, you'll find that the process of turning your designs into gorgeous stained glass pieces is really quite simple…
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Basic Electronics: Getting started with basic electronics is easier than you might think. This Instructable will hopefully demystify the basics of electronics so that anyone with an interest in building circuits can hit the ground running. This is a quick overview int…
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Let's start off with clicking the "log in" button in the top right corner of the page. You also have a choice of logging in with Facebook, but we'll get to that in a bit.
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Simple Exterior Handrail (for Less Than $100): I recently found myself in need of a new handrail on the steps coming down from my back porch. While the project had the novelty (at least for me) of requiring cement anchors...overall the project seemed pretty straight-forward so I decide to take …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073The base or floor of the house and deck is made out of an old hand-made bed frame. It consisted of 2x4's and 4x4 posts and is 60" by 80". It definitely needed more beams for support, so I used an old deckrailing, along with parts of pallets and 2x4's to build that needed support.
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073LifeTime: Many of the electronic objects that we make are manifestations of the passage of time. The most all encompassing of concerns is of course our own mortality and the place it harbors in our lives. Much of our culture is a death cult, meaning an over…
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073DIY LiFePO4 Battery Pack: In the past few years, the cost of solar panels are decreasing drastically but the overall cost of the Off-Grid solar system is still significant. The cost of the traditionally used Lead-Acid battery and their limited lifespan compared to solar modu…
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073For my homemade lava lamp design, I've long been a lover of mid-century modern styles and there's lots of great space-age designs for lava lamps from Mathmos, Lava Lite, and Schylling.The Telstar is an excellent iconic reference for design form. The rocket 'fins' make for an elegant yet very strong tripod to support the weight of the lamp.
WhatsApp: +86 182217550734,612. 40. Favorite. R2D2 Welded Rod Sculpture. by TheGorka in Metalworking
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073CH341A/CH347 Programmer: I recently have purchased a CH341A mini programmer. The mini programmer is OK and can by used to program 24 and 24 series chips. It is very low cost but quite useful as I can use it to flash my computer BIOS and …
WhatsApp: +86 182217550731. ماهي شروط تركيب الحجر. 2. افضل طريقة تركيب حجر الديكور. وهذا يتطلب خبرة ومهارات خاصة لتنفيذه بشكل صحيح وفعال. إذا كنت ترغب في تركيب حجر طبيعي في منزلك أو مكتبك، فإليك بعض المعلومات التي يجب أن تعرفها: التخطيط: يجب التخطيط بشكل جيد قبل الشروع في عملية …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073سورة الحجر مكتوبة كاملة بالتشكيل بخط كبير و كتابة واضحة بالرسم العثماني من المصحف الشريف برواية حفص عن عاصم,قراءة سورة الحجر كتابة مع التفسير و الترجمة من موقع القرآن الكريم - سورة قرآن .
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Our grandkids keep me busy!
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Crash Test Cars: We've all heard of the classic egg-drop engineering challenge, so here's a twist: crash test race cars! The students in my extracurricular engineering class love this project because of its open-ended nature and thrilling process. You can find th…
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073نتعرف هنا على أشهر أنواع الحجر المستخدم في الديكور الداخلي، مع التعرف على خصائصها الفريدة وخياراتها المتنوعة. جدول المحتويات. أهمية استخدام الحجر في الديكور الداخلي. مميزات استخدام الحجر ...
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073DIY 3D Printed Dremel CNC: When I got my first 3D printer I was extremely happy with all the new possibilities to create things but after some time I noticed the limitations of 3D . Plastic is easy to melt, sometimes it's not mechanically resistant enough and most imp…
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Advanced Game Development Using Scratch 3.0: This Instructable is aimed at someone with a moderate level of experience using the Scratch block-code platform and who is looking to create a slightly more advanced game. Looking back on the year of 2020, one of the good experiences I will remembe…
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Instructables. Recent Featured Views. How to Rewire a Vintage Lamp. 8 325. Big Durable LED Sculpture. 11 2.2K. Raspberry Pi TV. 71 9.3K. Keep Filament Dry. 13 1.9K. Kit- Clock's Eyes Follow You. 51 3.3K. Getting Started With CheerLights. 8 842. Ring Holder Necklace. 86 7.6K. 3D Printed Stamping Markers. 54 5.2K.
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073الحجر في التصميم الداخلي: الحجر مادة تعطي الإحساس بالفخامة وتضفي الاحساس بالطبيعة الخارجية للفراغ الداخلي ويستخدم كثيراً في مجال التصميم الداخلي كإكساء للأرضيات أو الجدران ويجب التنبيه ...
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073How to Make a Concrete Countertop. by Robin in Home Improvement.
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